way2go! 5, Schulbuch

7 Listening Writing Speaking Way more A conversation about raising money for a new sports field Spartan Races (FM4) (MC) A PEEL paragraph about a sportsrelated topic A story about a fun activity A formal email Quotes by famous athletes Arguing for or against sth. A paired activity Spartan Races – good or bad idea? By the way: Row, row, row your boat … Strategies: Paired activity tasks Listening Writing Speaking Way more Some students discussing the rules for their school uniforms (MC) An interview about the internet and plagiarism (FM4) A funny dream … A formal email to a parent A PEEL paragraph about cheating at school Discussing funny signs Age limits Rules at your school ‘Breaking rules’ in films and literature Paired activity: Helpful rules at school Strategies: Reading – Four-word sentence completion (4W); The function word ‘present’ Listening Writing Speaking Way more Some holiday plans (MM) Announcements At the ticket machine … and viewing: Bike-sharing in Copenhagen (BBC) (4W) An email about a holiday in your area An inner monologue of a ticket machine Interview questions A blog post about travel experiences Quiz: Your perfect holiday Paired activity: Different holidays – pros and cons Recording your inner monologue An individual long turn Telling a ‘travel terror tale’ Strategies: Individual long turn; The differences between blog posts, blog comments and emails; Giving feedback By the way: The Grand Tour Listening Writing Speaking Way more A video call about new rooms (MC) … and viewing: Vertical living in Hong Kong (BBC) (MM) An ad selling an unusual home A PEEL paragraph about a house of your preference A blog post about noisy neighbours Your room Discussing different types of houses An AI-generated picture of your dream house An individual long turn Strategies: A reminder for picture comparisons Listening Writing Speaking Way more The British Secret Intelligence Service (FM4) (MM) An interview about what a job application should look like (4W) An email of application Your ideal job Spies – what they’re like Spy films An individual long turn A quiz telling you which job is ideal for you Listening Writing Speaking Way more Four people talking about happiness Some English students talking about their plans for the future (MC) An informal email about your plans for the near future A blog post about a time travel adventure Paired activity: What makes young people happy? An individual long turn about future plans Time travel Speculating about films and series By the way: Predictions that didn’t come true Abbreviations: BGF Banked gap-fill WF Word formation T/F/J True/False/Justification MM Multiple matching MC Multiple choice 4W Four-word answers Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv