way2go! 5, Schulbuch

69 Feelings The word ‘emoji’ comes from the Japanese ‘e’ (‘picture’) and ‘moji’ (‘character’ or ‘letter’). An emoji is an actual picture – unlike an ‘emoticon’ (a combination of the words ‘emotion’ and ‘icon’), which only uses symbols or punctuation marks such as :-) to show emotion. Emoticons were first used around 1982, whereas emojis were created in the late 1990s. Look at the emojis on the right. Which emojis would you use to show that you are (feeling): LANGUAGE 3 a Texting – blessing or curse? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a joyful b amused c thankful d shocked e speechless f stressed out g annoyed h proud i frustrated You are going to hear a radio interview with a professor about the language ‘Emoji’. Before you listen to the interview, read the sentences below and circle what you think is correct. 1 Most people they interviewed used emojis in every message / every day. 2 Emojis are more popular / less popular than text message abbreviations. 3 Most / Very few of the Emoji pictures can be understood in every culture. 4 Emoji is a very inefficient / efficient way of communicating feelings. 5 Emoji will probably replace / not replace all other languages. 6 A famous story has been translated into an Emoji book / poster. 7 The idea of using pictures to communicate is new / quite old. 8 You cannot use Emoji to express any abstract / frequent words. Now listen to the interview. Did you circle the correct options? LISTENING 4a 11 b Create a short story in Emoji. Exchange your story with a partner. Each of you should now try to tell the story using English words. Surfing the internet, you have come across the following blog post: SPEAKING 5 WRITING 6 Zora Senje … It’s no fun anymore. Hardly a text message or an email without lots of emojis. People use them way too much … Do you agree with the meanings presented here or do you use any of the emojis differently? What do you do instead? Share your ideas in class. b You have decided to comment on this blog post. You should: say how you feel about emojis describe a situation in which you wouldn’t use emojis explain why some people prefer emojis to words Write around 200 words. See Writing coach, Blog comment, pp. 176 + 178. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv