way2go! 5, Schulbuch

68 Unit 05 Reach out! 73is57 In this unit you will: discuss what and when (not) to text use a language that’s only a few years old improve your English with phrasal verbs learn about body language get tips to improve your presentation skills find out how to give good feedback Look at the cartoon and talk to a partner. 1 Describe the pictures: What do you see? What’s the same in them? What’s different? 2 What do you think the cartoon says about young people and their mobile phones? SPEAKING 1 a Write down as many examples of the four types of communication as you can. Who can come up with the most examples in two minutes? How do you use your mobile phone to communicate? 2 a b Look at the different types of communication below. Which can you see in the cartoon? b a written communication b spoken communication c non-verbal communication d visual communication (e.g. use of different colours) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv