way2go! 5, Schulbuch

65 You are going to watch the video again. First, study the task below. Then, while watching, match the beginnings of the sentences (1–6) with the sentence endings (A–I). There are two extra sentence endings that you should not use. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After watching, take some time to check your answers. b A different to that of adults B support the new timetable F find it easier to be more helpful C have a positive effect on grades G are constantly sleep-deprived D have trouble paying attention H relationship with her mother E can sleep in on school days I results in school 0 As her school has shifted lessons to the afternoon, Cassie . E 1 Sleeping longer has improved Cassie’s . 2 There are scientific findings which . 3 The internal rhythm of teenagers is . 4 With a later start, some students . 5 Before the change, some students would . 6 It’s hard to tell whether this shift will . Strategies box Listening – Multiple matching (MM) Before you listen or watch, carefully read the sentence halves. Try to guess which parts could go together. Several parts may fit grammatically, but you have to think about the meaning to decide which one is the right one. Fill in a letter for every sentence, guess if you don’t know! Understanding teen sleep Here are some tips for improving the quality of your sleep. Unscramble the sentences. 1 Don’t … any / bedroom / have / electronic / in / entertainment / your 2 Don’t … lunchtime / coffee / drink / after 3 Get … same / day / go / up / the / bed / and / to / at / time / every 4 Don’t … in / weekends / on / sleep 5 Do … before / relaxing / reading / a / like / something / bed / book Now talk about the advice in pairs. Do you want to try out the suggestions? Why?/Why not? Should school start later? Write a PEEL paragraph giving your opinion. See PEEL, p. 37. 25 a b WRITING 26 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv