way2go! 5, Schulbuch

59 Look at the nutrition plate on the right. There are five categories of food you should be eating for a healthy lifestyle. Work with a partner. You have three minutes to find as many examples of these categories as possible. When you’re finished, compare words with another pair. Who could think of more? Discuss the amounts you should be eating of each category according to the nutrition plate, and the amounts you actually eat. Kinds of food Which of the foods below would you put in which of the four categories? Are there any that don’t go there at all? SPEAKING 11a You are what you eat b sweets (BE) – candy (AE) chips (BE) – French fries (AE) soft drinks (BE) – sodas (AE) LANGUAGE 12 a a wholewheat bread grains b low-fat milk c courgette d frozen yogurt e sweets f beans g nectarine h oatmeal i cabbage j almonds k lean meat l herbal tea m chips n soft drinks o cheese spread p pasta q lettuce r soy milk Which of the examples of food above are: processed/high in fibre/beverages/vegan? b Take turns talking with a partner. What advice would you give a friend who would like to: a maintain their weight but feels tired and without energy at school? b gain muscle mass but is a vegetarian? c lose a few pounds but doesn’t like vegetables? d wants to eat more healthily? SPEAKING 13 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv