way2go! 5, Schulbuch

57 Rewrite the orders below using different structures to make them more polite. 1 You mustn’t eat so much fast food. 2 You mustn’t keep ordering such expensive meals. 3 You mustn’t drink so many soft drinks. 4 You mustn’t leave the table while everybody else is still eating. b Work with a partner. What could you say? Example: A: I really don’t fancy black pudding for breakfast. B: Why don’t you get cereal and fruit instead? 8 a 1 I’m just starving. 2 This soup is totally tasteless. 3 The delivery driver is really attractive. 4 I’m not sure that I like spinach. 5 I think I left my wallet at the juice bar. 6 I feel sick. I’m afraid I’ve overeaten. Adjectives describing food This is a comment someone wrote on Jessica’s post above. Fill the gaps using the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. LANGUAGE 9 a Jonathan W. <jonathan.w@email.com> I enjoyed your blog post about the Thai restaurant, Jessica. I think you’re very brave to eat the (1) (spicy) dish on the menu! I also really enjoy ethnic food as it makes a change from all the usual stuff I eat. My school canteen has the (2) (boring) food in the world. For me, the (3) (tasty) ethnic food is Indian. I love all the flavours like cumin1, coriander and turmeric2. However, I don’t like extremely spicy food, so I usually choose dishes which are (4) (mild) than most, such as lamb korma or tandoori chicken. You really should try ‘The Bombay Duck’, an Indian restaurant just outside Cambridge. It’s the (5) (popular) one in the whole area, even though it’s not the (6) (cheap). Fancy trying something really fiery3? Then you shouldn’t miss the vindaloo curry. It’s one of the (7) (hot) dishes they have. The atmosphere is (8) (relaxed) than in most other restaurants I know. The (9) (good) time to go is the first Friday of the month as they have live traditional Indian music. If I were you, I’d definitely give it a try! Underline the adjectives used to describe food in the two blogs, then collect them in a word map. b 1 cumin [*kju"mIn]: Kreuzkümmel 2 turmeric [*t3"mErIk]: Kurkuma, Gelbwurz 3 fiery [*faIEri]: feurig, scharf Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv