way2go! 5, Schulbuch

55 What do you prefer – eating out or ordering in? Talk to a partner. Listen to Lizzie and Ravi talking about their food order. Which of the following words for ‘place to get food’ do they mention? Tick the correct answers. LISTENING 2 09 Let’s grab a bite to eat! 3 a a bar b café c deli d diner e drive-through f pizzeria g place h pub i restaurant j stand Listen again and take notes on the following questions. 1 What arguments do they mention against ordering in? 2 Why can’t they order from the Green Papaya? 3 What is Lizzie having? 4 What does Ravi order? Talking about food orders Circle the options you think are correct. 1 W e could order for / in some curry from down the road. It comes with / by lots of rice. 2 Getting fresh food delivered to your door is really convenient / useful. 3 This place offers a large delivery / selection of spicy / homemade desserts. 4 Can we go and get some takeaway? I’m full / starving! 5 Some friends are staying for / to dinner – could you lay / lie the table for five? 6 Wow, that Thai place sounds delicious / tasteless! I’m so craving / packaging some papaya salad. 7 We always make sure to tip / offer generously when we’re having / letting food delivered. Use three of the wrong options to make sentences that show the correct meaning of the words. Get together in pairs. Imagine you have spent the afternoon working on an English project. Now you’re both hungry and need to get some food. Take notes and then have a conversation about what you’re going to order. b Tom Yam Gai Sate Spring Rolls Som Tam Pad Thai Gaeng Phed Pak The Royal Orchid Menu LANGUAGE 4a b SPEAKING 5a Try to use a wide range of expressions in your conversation. You could … describe: The new Thai place has a fantastic selection of noodle dishes. ask: Do you want to order …? Why don’t you have …? suggest: We could order potatoes as a side dish if you don’t like rice. compare: This place offers more … and it’s closer, so the food will be hotter. give reasons: You’ll love the food there because … What’s more, they also … Record your conversation using an electronic device (e.g. your smartphone). Write down three questions your classmates could answer after listening to it (e.g. Where do they decide to order food from?). Exchange your recordings and questions with another pair and answer each other’s questions. b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv