way2go! 5, Schulbuch

51 Read the text about a girl called Whitney. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part from the list (A–L) for each gap (1–9). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. READING 2 !! READING B1 I can understand a straightforward description of events, feelings and wishes. 0123456789 B There was a time when Whitney didn’t have a lot of friends. She was a bit shy and reserved and often didn’t know what to say. Whitney never really wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to share secrets and laughs with. All through high school, though, she just slipped in and out of ‘light’ friendships (0) . When the time came to go to college, Whitney was quite nervous. She was going to share a room with someone who (1) and living in a town 300 miles away from home. There wouldn’t be a single person she knew anything about. She had no idea how she (2) in this new environment. The first week of classes, something happened that changed Whitney’s life forever. In her English creative writing class, she (3) , as were all the other students. She told everyone where she (4) that students share in such situations. The final question for each student was always the same: “What is your goal for this class?” Now, most of the students said it (5) , pass the class or something similar, but Whitney said something entirely different. She said that her goal was to make just one good friend. Most of Whitney’s new classmates just sat in silence and looked at her. However, one student (6) , came straight over to Whitney and held out his hand to introduce himself. He shook her hand and asked if she (7) . The whole room was silent – all eyes were focused on Whitney and the hand extended in front of her. She (8) out to take his, and a friendship was formed. It was a friendship that lasted all through college. It was a friendship that turned into a romance. It was a friendship that brought two people together in marriage. Whitney learned an important lesson that (9) and gave her strength. She learned the power of asking for what she wanted, being honest and taking action. A talked for a long time to her teacher G smiled and stretched her hand B which made her feel uncomfortable H built her self-confidence C would like to be his friend I was asked to share a little about herself D called home, and some of the details of her everyday life J was to get a good grade E would get to know people and make friends K took a deep breath, stood up slowly F didn’t ask her what she thought L was a complete stranger Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv