way2go! 5, Schulbuch

49 Revision: Modal verbs Read some of the class rules a US high school teacher set and circle the best options. Then decide whether the teacher feels very strongly (strong obligation) or not so strongly about them (weak obligation/personal opinion). Write S (strong) or W (weak/personal) next to the sentences. LANGUAGE 25 1 Phones should / must be switched off during class. 2 They must / should only be taken out when needed for class. 3 Students may / have to be respectful, and they cannot / must not bully anybody. 4 Students ought to / might be quiet and pay attention when somebody speaks in class. 5 They must / can come prepared with a working electronic device. 6 Homework must / ought to be turned in on the day that it is due, otherwise they will receive a point reduction. 7 Teaching is based on social learning, so students might / must be prepared to work in groups. 8 Students ought to / can constantly challenge themselves, think critically and ask questions. Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs. There is one example. 1 I t’s possible for anyone to start a blog. Anyone can start a blog. 2 It’s a good idea to know your target audience before you start a blog. 3 Some blogs are just text, others also contain images, videos or infographics. 4 It’s OK to read other people’s blogs, but it’s not OK to copy from them directly. 5 It’s important to make sure your text is free of spelling mistakes. 6 Do not write offensive messages in your blog. 7 It’s important not to let your blog take up more time than your schoolwork. 8 Maybe your blog will become very popular. Read the texts and circle the best options. 26 27 Something I have changed my mind about is … A skill I now feel more confident about is … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 03 (online code 73k2kg). Tomorrow’s a holiday, so we (1) need not / must not get up early, and I (2) can / am allowed to sleep in. Later in the day, though, I (3) could / should start revising for my French test next week as I’ve really left it a bit late. I just hope I won’t (4) have to / must help Dad in the garden. Whenever he’s doing something there, he thinks I (5) should / have to come along so he can teach me how to do it. In my school, we (6) don’t have to / mustn’t wear a school uniform. We only (7) should / need to dress smartly. Students can wear make-up, but they (8) shouldn’t / needn’t overdo it. Still, there’s quite a lot of rules to follow. For example, we (9) mustn’t / needn’t run along the corridors, even if we’re late. If you’re caught, you (10) have to / ought to do detention. We (11) can’t / oughtn’t wear any caps or hats, except for religious reasons. We (12) mustn’t / shouldn’t wear any jewellery or piercings. If you do, you will (13) have to / ought to remove it. Luckily, there are no regulations about hairstyle. It’s only in the chemistry lab that we (14) have to / ought to tie back our hair, but that makes total sense. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv