way2go! 5, Schulbuch

48 Unit 03 | Learning and teaching Topic vocabulary: School life Improve the word map below by adding more expressions from this unit to the right categories. LANGUAGE 24 a to revise for an exam to cram for an exam to pass an exam 11-plus UK US SAT exams people student/pupil in the US school life to take/sit an exam types of schools activities attending lessons form teacher (BE)/ homeroom teacher (AE) caretaker (BE)/janitor (AE) comprehensive vocational academic selective having lunch in the school cafeteria headteacher (BE)/principal (AE) signing up for extracurricular activities classmate freshman sophomore Study this word map, then make your own showing qualities teachers and students should NOT have. b patient inspiring motivated competent ambitious enthusiastic responsible hard-working professional eager to learn organised educated capable fair strict active kind qualified creative good qualities teachers students Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv