way2go! 5, Schulbuch

47 4 a reading the vocabulary lists in your book again and again b writing a story with all the words that you need to study c r ecording yourself reading the vocabulary lists and listening to this before you fall asleep 5 a testing yourself on what you’ve studied b asking someone to explain the words to you c watching a movie in English instead of studying Listen to an expert explaining strategies for learning vocabulary. Complete the sentences below, then use the information to check your answers to the quiz above. 1 The expert believes learning new words is the way of improving in a language. 2 You should limit your study to groups of words or phrases at a time. 3 Listening to words while doing something else doesn’t . 4 Revising words about times is necessary to be able to recall them later. 5 The lexicon in our brains is organised by many between ideas. 6 It’s easier to remember words if they’re connected to the same . 7 Actively using the words in sentences or longer builds strong memories. 8 The most powerful way of studying words is what you know. b 08 With a partner, choose one of the topics below. Research it, try it out and present a poster in class to share your experiences. a the relationship between music, rhythm and sound and vocabulary learning b using pictures for learning new words c how physical movement can support your memory when studying d vocabulary study tips you can find on social media e any other strategy mentioned on these pages (testing, spaced repetition, …) Word families Another great way to improve your vocabulary and practise suffixes is to study word families. A word family is a group of related words that come from the same stem. Look at these examples: WRITING + SPEAKING 22 STRATEGIES 23 Noun Verb Adjective education educator educate educated educational qualification qualify qualified training trainer train trained Start a table like the one above in your notebook. Collect words from this unit and use a good (online) dictionary to find the other forms. For some words, you won’t be able to fill all the columns, and sometimes there might be more than one noun or adjective. Remember that the pronunciation of the words can change when you add an ending. Sometimes the word stress (the stressed syllable) changes, but some words are pronounced very differently as nouns or verbs. For example, compare revise with revision or academy with academic. Again, use a good dictionary to check. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv