way2go! 5, Schulbuch

4 Contents 8 Unit 01: Old friends and new friends Topics Language Reading Old friends – new friends – best friends Friendship in books Friends abroad Friends on social media Talking about friends How to form questions Relationships Language in use: An introductory email (BGF) Topic vocabulary: Describing friends How to make new friends Quiz: Are you a good friend? An extract from Raven Black (MM) 20 Unit 02: Me time Topics Language Reading Time off After-school clubs Games people play The present continuous Talking about leisure activities Narrative tenses Describing pictures Suffixes: The ending does it Comparisons Topic vocabulary: Leisure activities Revision: Narrative tenses Postings about a typical Sunday Video games’ place in American culture (MM) 34 Unit 03: Learning and teaching Topics Language Reading The ideal school School life School systems in the UK and the US Improving your vocabulary Modal verbs of obligation Discussing ideas More suffixes Language in use: Pupils, peace and presidents (WF) Topic vocabulary: School life Revision: Modal verbs The ideal school The school systems of the UK and the US How many words do you need to know? 50 Progress check 01 52 Literature along the way 54 Unit 04: Eat, sleep, repeat … Topics Language Reading Let’s grab a bite to eat! You are what you eat Nothing like a good night’s sleep Eating out – ordering in Suggestions, advice and orders Adjectives describing food Foods Language in use: Making smart lifestyle choices (MC) Topic vocabulary: Nutrition and health Revision: Comparisons A food blog Charge up with healthy eating (MM) 68 Unit 05: Reach out! Topics Language Reading Texting – blessing or curse? Body language Presentations Feelings Phrasal verbs Body language Language in use: Reading body language (BGF) Structuring a presentation Topic vocabulary: Communication and feelings Revision: Phrasal verbs How texting changes communication (MC) Presentation tips 82 Unit 06: All the rage Topics Language Reading A changing world Denim – a way of life? A healthy body image Talking about trends The present perfect Topic vocabulary: Fashion and trends Revision: Mixed tenses Fashion over the years The curvy model whose unretouched photos took the internet by storm (T/F/J) 92 Progress check 02 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv