way2go! 5, Schulbuch

36 Unit 03 | Learning and teaching Discussing ideas This is what a group of English pupils said when way2go! asked them what kind of teacher they would like. Number the statements in their order of importance from 1 (the most important for you) to 11 (the least important). When you have finished, work in groups of four. Discuss which three statements are the most important for your group. a A good teacher isn’t too strict about what we wear to school. b They should be fair and not have any favourites. c A teacher should be able to switch on their camera and microphone for online lessons. d We’d like a teacher with a sense of humour. e We think looks are important. A teacher should look attractive. f Teachers ought to be understanding and patient. g They should be able to explain how the things we have to learn are relevant in the real world. h We think teachers should be punctual for lessons. i It’s important for a teacher to show enthusiasm for their subject. j A good teacher will listen carefully to their pupils and take them seriously. k A teacher must be able to manage the class, both in the classroom and online. LANGUAGE + SPEAKING 5 a Arguing your case But isn’t it more important for a teacher to … than … ? I also think good teachers should … What’s more, a good teacher will always help … Besides, a teacher must … For instance, if a teacher is fair, they will … Do you really think so? It doesn’t make much difference whether a teacher … I don’t see how … is as important as … Reaching a conclusion OK, so let’s put statement … as number 1. Are you happy with that? Is that OK with you? Can we agree on that? Giving your opinion I think statement … is the (second-/third-)most/least important because … As I see it, statement … is more/less important than statement … because … Now talk about your results in class. b Expressing agreement We think so too. We’ll go along with that. We also thought statement … was very important because … Expressing disagreement We can’t go along with that … Do you really think that … is more important than … ? Can you tell us why statement … is your number one? We have statement … as number 1. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv