way2go! 5, Schulbuch

32 Unit 02 | Me time Topic vocabulary: Leisure activities Complete the word map with the expressions below, then improve it with your own ideas. going to a concert going to an exhibition music punting spending time online writing a blog LANGUAGE 22 leisure activities (2) watching series or films playing computer games playing an instrument birdwatching making drawings painting pictures doing photography seeing a play decorating your room singing in a choir dancing canoeing reading books sunbathing listening to music (4) (6) (5) in a museum or gallery (1) (3) in front of a screen outdoors art consuming being creative Read part of the email that Otis from Cambridge has sent you. WRITING 21 Strategies box To explain something means to make it clear and easy to understand by describing something in detail, by giving examples and by offering good reasons. To inform means to let a person know something, to give facts. … You know, I got this new computer game. It’s just awesome. Me and my friends could spend hours playing … But then my dad comes home and tells me to stop. He says homework is more important. That’s a real problem … Otis Shaw <otis.shaw@whcambridge.uk> ... New computer game From: To: Subject: You have decided to answer Otis’s email. You should: say what Otis can do about his problem explain what you think about computer games inform Otis about computer games you or your friends are playing Write around 200 words. See Writing coach, Informal email, pp. 171/172. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv