way2go! 5, Schulbuch

31 Video games are a huge and growing hi-tech entertainment source. They connect us, inspire us and become emotional experiences. They are ingrained4 in our culture. During the pandemic, they were a social lifeline for many people. In a time of social distancing, people reached for video games to find joy, connection and a sense of belonging. Games represent entertainment and comfort for millions of people across the country, and they help us to see beyond age, race, gender and political parties. A watched the League of Legends World Championship B sitting in front of their computer C have at least one person who plays video games D is an increasingly social activity E didn’t play any video games F are a significant part of American culture G is not who plays H help them connect with friends and family I come from a new report J riding the train, running errands or watching their favorite TV show 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 G Language box Which of these phrases are used in the article to compare facts and figures? more than …, fewer/less than … (nearly) as many as … different from …, similar to … … of the most/least … For information on comparison structures, go to Grammar revisited, p. 170. Read the article again and find the correct answers to the questions in 18a. Did you guess right? Then discuss the answers with a partner. Do you find any of them surprising? Discuss the following questions with a partner: 1 Which information in the text surprised you most? Why? 2 Why do you think people enjoy being someone else in a game? 3 Why might socialising through gaming be better or worse than socialising in person? 4 In 2021, the Chinese government put strict limits on the time children can play video games. Can you think of some good reasons for doing this? 5 Choose a gamer who is famous on social media. Why are they famous? Present your findings in class. Work with a different partner. Make a list of ten reasons why your parents should not restrict your time on the computer. Make them as funny and persuasive as possible. Share your reasons in class. b SPEAKING 20a b 4 ingrained: tief verwurzelt Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv