way2go! 5, Schulbuch

30 Unit 02 | Me time How much do you know about the importance of video games in the US? Take a guess: READING 18 a Compare your guesses with a partner. Read the article about the importance of video games in American culture. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part from the list (A–J) for each gap (1–7). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. b 19 a Video games’ place in American culture Video games are one of the largest entertainment industries in America. The question (0) , but what games, on what device and with whom. In fact, two thirds of the US population – as many as 227 million people – play video games, and three out of four American households (1) . In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the video game industry grew by 12% to 139.9 billion dollars. These statistics (2) from the Entertainment Software Association, the ‘2021 Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry’, which examines gamer demographics1, the types of games played and the top-selling video games, among other industry sales information. Here are a few more reasons why video games (3) : Gamers play everywhere. Players crush candy, connect dots and clash clans2 while (4) : 61 percent of Americans play on their smartphones, and four out of ten own a mobile VR device. Watching people play video games is immensely popular – and big business. Last year, more people (99.6 million) (5) , an eSports competition, than the deciding game of the NBA3 Finals (19.4 million). Parents increasingly regard video games as educational, and 45% play games with their children. More than twice as many (95%) at least closely monitor which games the kids play, and on average, almost half of them (48%) limit the amount of time kids are allowed to spend playing computer and video games. Games bring people together. Video game play (6) . 65 percent of the most frequent gamers play with others, and 54 percent play online in multiplayer mode at least weekly. About half of the most frequent game players say that video games (7) . 1 gamer demographics: Spielerdaten wie Alter oder Geschlecht 2 Anspielung auf beliebte Handy-Spiele 3 NBA: (abbr. for) National Basketball Association: Basketball-Profiliga der USA 1 What percentage of people in the US plays video games? 12% 49% 66% 2 What percentage of households in the US has persons that play video games? 56% 75% 95% 3 How many people watched the final game in the most popular video game tournament? 18 million 27 million 99 million 4 What percentage of US parents limit the time their kids are allowed to play? 12% 48% 65% Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv