way2go! 5, Schulbuch

26 Unit 02 | Me time Suffixes: The ending does it Many English words take suffixes to change them into a different part of speech. Look at the following table. Underline the suffixes. LANGUAGE 11 a Suffixes sometimes change the spelling of a word: -y at the end of a word turns into i (happy – happiness) a silent -e at the end of a word is dropped (creative – creativity) Nouns Adjectives reality real health healthy happiness happy nature natural Nouns Adjectives creativity creative softness soft person personal cloud cloudy Complete the tables with words made from the suffixes you found above. You can find more words in the story in exercise 7 or add your own ideas. b Adjective to noun: -ness sad sadness fit ill Adjective to noun: personal national Noun to adjective: music nation Noun to adjective: dirt Complete the sentences. Use suffixes to change the words given. 1 Robert is really into (fit). He goes to the gym almost every day! 2 The (real) is that swimming in the River Cam can be a danger to someone’s health. 3 You should clean your room; it’s very (dirt). 4 Many countries have a (nation) dress people wear on special occasions. 5 I’m not very (music), I’m afraid. I don’t play any instruments. 6 It shouldn’t be too hot today. It’s quite (cloud). 7 Hannah’s idea of (happy) is a day punting on the river. 8 The punting story is interesting because it is told from (person) memory. 9 Adam’s friends used their (create) to help him get dry again. 10 A (health) diet is very important if you want to be fit. c Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv