way2go! 5, Schulbuch

25 How does Hannah do these things? Look for examples in the story on p. 24. Then prepare notes to tell your own story about something that happened to you/a friend. Tell your story to a partner. b Practising narrative tenses Fill in the correct form of the verbs (past tense, past perfect or past continuous). 1 A dam (never try) punting before, so he really (enjoy) it when Hannah (want) him to have a go. 2 H e (hardly take) the pole when he (realise) that punting was more difficult than he (imagine). 3 T he tourists (shout) when they (see) Adam slipping into the water. 4 H annah’s friends (offer) Adam a chocolate bar after they (help) him out of the water. 5 H e (feel) a bit stupid when he (see) all the tourists who (laugh) at him. 6 H e (get) angry when he (notice) that the new T-shirt, which he (buy) the day before, (get) wet. 7 A fter his clothes (dry) in the sun, the kids (continue) punting. 8 A dam (decide) to write about his adventure in a travel blog as soon as he (be) home. Telling a story or an anecdote When preparing to tell a story, keep the following things in mind: LANGUAGE 9 STRATEGIES 10 a Get the listener’s attention: Guess what happened to me last week … Give details: What happened? Where? When? How? Why? Put the events in the right order: First, then, some time later, after that, finally, in the end, … Give your story a personal touch by telling how you felt about something: I was really shocked, I was surprised, I was angry, I felt (un)happy, … End your story with a conclusion: How was the problem solved? What happened in the end? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv