way2go! 5, Schulbuch

22 Unit 02 | Me time Present simple or present continuous? Here’s what Jedrek posts at 3 pm on a school day. Fill in the correct form of the verbs. It’s three in the afternoon and I (1) (wait) for our maths lesson to start. Some of my classmates (2) (play) chess. I (3) (mean), Martin and Ahmed (4) (play) chess, some other kids (5) (stand) around them and (6) (make) comments on their moves. I think Martin (7) (get) distracted by their comments. He (8) (look) a bit angry. Normally, he’s a very calm guy who (9) (look) cool all the time. Samira, Marc and Otis (10) (sit) in a corner of the classroom. They (11) (play) a card game. I (12) (not know) what it is, but they (13) (laugh) a lot, so I (14) (guess) they (15) (have) fun. Martin (16) (give) them dark looks; I (17) (think) the noise (18) (make) him lose focus. Iris and her gang (19) (just sit) around doing nothing. I guess they (20) (not look forward to) equations and decimal points. Describing leisure activities Study the word map on creating how-to videos below. Then make a word map for your favourite leisure activity with the help of these questions: LANGUAGE 4 Language box You use the present continuous to describe what people are doing at the moment (now). You use the present simple to describe your thoughts and feelings. LANGUAGE 5a What skills or knowledge do you need? Do you need any equipment for it? What can you learn from doing it? Do you do it with other people? How dangerous is it? How expensive is it? 1 What do you need to do it? 2 What’s good about it? 3 What’s bad about it? creating how-to videos expertise and enthusiasm can make you famous can help other people microphone or headset takes a lot of time and effort to do well many people will criticise your work laptop/computer with camera smartphone what you need what’s bad about it what’s good about it Work with a partner. Ask questions about the details of their favourite leisure activity. How many questions do you need to ask before you can guess the activity? b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv