way2go! 5, Schulbuch

189 to be permitted erlaubt/zulässig sein flood [fl0d] Überschwemmung to get arrested verhaftet werden to prevent sth. The rules are there to prevent accidents. etw. verhindern to refuse to do sth. sich weigern, etw. zu tun to appear The neighbour’s cat suddenly appeared on my doorstep. erscheinen, auftauchen to be banned untersagt/verboten sein 10 with regard to/regarding How do English and Scottish laws differ regarding age limits? hinsichtlich, im Hinblick auf to be supposed to do sth. Students are supposed to come to school on time. etw. tun sollen 11 head student Schulsprecher/in to get detention Students are given detention for breaking school rules. nachsitzen müssen punishment Strafe laces Careful! Your shoe laces are untied! Schuhbänder 14 unsuitable unpassend, unangemessen to offend sb. She was really offended by him not talking to her. jmdn. beleidigen/kränken/ ärgern cleanliness [*klenlinEs] Sauberkeit to misuse sth. etw. falsch/anders als gedacht verwenden 16 replacement Ersatz to obey the law sich an das Gesetz halten victim Opfer 18 embarrassment Peinlichkeit to hug (sich) umarmen to make out A teacher caught them making out behind the building. herumknutschen to feel awkward [*C"kwEd] hier: peinlich berührt sein 19 to host [hEUst] sb. jmdn. beherbergen 20 to cheat schummeln, betrügen copyright Urheberrecht to protect sth. We need to protect our skin from the bad effects of the sun. etw. (be)schützen 21 plagiarism [*pleIdZErIzEm] Plagiat, geistiger Diebstahl AI: (abbr. for) artificial intelligence KI (Künstliche Intelligenz) 22 attitude [*xtItSu"d] She has a positive attitude towards work. Einstellung, Haltung to some degree She enjoys spicy food, but only to some degree. bis zu einem gewissen Grad to tolerate sth. etw. tolerieren doubt [daUt] I have no doubt you’ll be OK. Zweifel pressure [*preSE] Druck to excuse sth. This behaviour will not be excused. etw. entschuldigen struggling The new coach tries to help the struggling team. sich abmühend, kämpfend numerous [*nju"mErEs] zahlreich, viel to punish sb. for sth. The police punish people for driving too fast. jmdn. für etw. bestrafen to claim sth. He claims that it was his idea, but I know that’s not true. etw. behaupten to yell [jel] at sb. jmdn. anschreien/anbrüllen to try hard I try hard not to go to bed too late, but it’s not easy. sich bemühen 25 to trace the origin [*OrIdZIn] of sth. den Ursprung von etw. ermitteln/zurückverfolgen fraud [frC"d] Betrug to give credit to sb. Remember to give credit to the person who wrote the text. jmdm. etw. zuschreiben, jmdn. nennen/anführen contribution [+kOntrI*bju"SEn] How can I make a positive contribution to school life? Beitrag quotation marks Anführungszeichen knowingly I didn’t knowingly hurt his feelings. wissentlich, bewusst lack of They had to close the shop because of lack of money. Mangel an, Fehlen von crime Verbrechen 27 to stress sth. I want to stress again how important this topic is. etw. betonen/hervorheben 30 to be prohibited [prE*hIbItId] Smoking is strictly prohibited in this area. verboten/untersagt sein to go to jail [dZeIl] ins Gefängnis gehen to get away with sth. Did you really think you could get away with lying? mit etw. davonkommen to make up an excuse eine Ausrede erfinden Unit 09 to feel sorry for sb. mit jmdm. Mitleid haben 1 in the country(side) auf dem Land, in einer ländlichen Region to hike, to go hiking, to go on a hiking trip wandern, wandern gehen, eine Wanderung machen to be able to afford sth. I can’t afford another holiday this year. sich etw. leisten können holiday resort [rI*zC"t] Ferienort, Ferienanlage stay I enjoyed my stay at your hotel. Aufenthalt to go on a cruise eine Kreuzfahrt machen 5 to deal with sth. mit etw. umgehen accommodation [E+kOmE*deISEn] Unterkunft 6 prediction Vorhersage, Voraussage expectation Erwartung spontaneous [spOn*teIniEs] spontan intention I promise, I have no bad intentions. Absicht, Vorhaben 9 environmentally friendly umweltfreundlich 10 means of transport Transport-/Verkehrsmittel passenger Passagier/in to board a plane/a ship ein Flugzeug/ein Schiff besteigen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv