way2go! 5, Schulbuch

187 to cover sth. up You can use make-up to cover up spots on your face. etw. verdecken clay Ton louse, lice [laIs] Laus, Läuse lifespan Hamsters usually have a lifespan of two years. Lebensspanne/-dauer human [*hju"mEn] menschlich phenomenon [fE*nOmInEn] Phänomen, Erscheinung 5 duration Dauer, Länge recentness Aktualität 6 recently Have you read any good books recently? in letzter Zeit; kürzlich 9 label Marke, Label cut I like the cut of these jeans. Schnitt 10 miner Minenarbeiter/in riot [*raIEt] Aufstand, Ausschreitungen rebel [*rebEl] Rebell/in, Aufständische/r to run sth. He ran a shop in San Francisco. etw. führen/leiten to tear [teE] sth. (tore – torn) I tore my new shirt in PE. etw. zerreißen/einreißen to date sb. Are you dating Steve? mit jmdm. (aus)gehen youth culture [*ju"T +k0ltSE] Jugendkultur brand Marke 11 traditional costumes Tracht(en) 12 skin tone Hautton 13 anxiety [xN*zaIEti] Angst, Sorge artificial [+A"tI*fISEl] künstlich gorgeous [*gC"dZEs] wunderschön, hinreißend limb [lIm] Gliedmaße skull Schädel, Totenkopf waist [weIst] Taille campaign [kxm*peIn] (Werbe-)Kampagne to conform to sth. He changed his style to conform to the latest fashion trends. etw. entsprechen, sich an etw. anpassen exaggerated übertrieben 15 image [*ImIdZ] Image, Ruf; Bild, Abbildung insecure [+InsI*kjUE] unsicher to mind sth. I really don’t mind the smell. sich an etw. stören 16 plus-size model Übergrößenmodel to identify [aI*dentIfaI] sth. etw. identifizieren/finden curvy [*k3"vi] kurvenreich unretouched unbearbeitet, nicht retuschiert to take sth. by storm etw. im Sturm erobern limit Grenze, Begrenzung to go on a diet eine Diät beginnen/machen to look up to sb. Why do kids look up to Spider-Man? zu jmdm. aufblicken, jmdn. bewundern to make sense That doesn’t make any sense. Sinn ergeben to take sth. to heart She took her best friend’s words to heart. sich etw. zu Herzen nehmen to move sb. to tears jmdn. zu Tränen rühren to get rid of sb./sth. He tried to get rid of his old car, but nobody wanted it. jmdn./etw. loswerden 19 casual [*kxZjuEl] (opp. smart) leger, locker-lässig sporty (opp. elegant) sportlich tight (opp. loose/baggy) eng to match I think this T-shirt doesn’t match your skirt. zusammenpassen to fit sb. That suit doesn’t fit you; I think you need a smaller size. jmdm. passen (Größe) to suit [su"t] sb. Green doesn’t suit you; I think you should wear blue instead jmdm. passen/stehen (Stil/Farbe) comfortable [*k0mfEtEbEl] bequem, gemütlich fad Many people thought emails were just a fad. kurzlebige Modeerscheinung Unit 07 warrior Krieger/in 1 quote [kwEUt] Zitat competitive sports Leistungssport failure [*feIljE] Misserfolg, Niederlage to take a shot Just take a shot and see what happens. einen Versuch wagen sweat [swet] Schweiß determination [dI+t3"mI*neISEn] Entschlossenheit guts (infml.) I didn’t have the guts to tell him the truth. Mumm, Courage mind Geist, Verstand 4 fundraising event Spendenveranstaltung to raise money for sth. für etw. Geld auftreiben 6 gear [gIE] Don’t forget your tennis gear! Ausrüstung, Montur, „Sachen“ stadium Stadion coach Trainer/in (swimming) trunks We live close to a lake, so tell the boys to bring their trunks. Badehose competitor [kEm*petItE] Wettkampfgegner/in, Konkurrent/in helmet Helm course The more difficult course is marked with red flags. Parcours, Strecke kit Marc has lost his sports kit. Ausrüstung, Montur, „Sachen“ basketball/tennis court [kC"t] Basketball-/Tennis-Platz crowd (Zuschauer-)Menge opponent [E*pEUnEnt] Gegner/in (sports) facilities Sportanlage, Sportstätte pitch The match takes place on the football pitch across town. (Spiel-)Feld, Platz individual [+IndI*vIdZuEl] Einzelperson, Individuum 8 ladylike damenhaft cocky (infml.) aufgeblasen, eingebildet relentless unermüdlich, eisern Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv