way2go! 5, Schulbuch

185 20 to invent sth. etw. erfinden advertisement/advert/ad Werbung, Werbeanzeige, Inserat 21 proverb [*prOv3"b] Sprichwort 22 to look sth. up No idea, let’s look it up online. etw. nachschlagen to be at your best in Höchstform sein medical research [+medIkEl rI*s3"tS] medizinische Forschung to prove sth. I know she stole my wallet, but I can’t prove it. etw. beweisen to tend to do sth. I tend to go to bed too late. dazu tendieren, etw. zu tun; zu etw. neigen increased (opp. decreased) gesteigert to introduce sth. The school wants to introduce a daily PE lesson. etw. einführen to (take a) nap ein Nickerchen machen to cut down on sth. I need to cut down on my shopping; it’s getting too much! etw. einschränken/ reduzieren screen time Zeit vor dem Bildschirm to suffer from sth. Mike suffers from asthma. an etw. leiden obesity [EU*bi"sEti] Fettleibigkeit to aim [eIm] to do sth. I aim to be a millionaire one day. etw. anstreben/zum Ziel haben growth Wachstum as well as I’ve been to India as well as China. sowie mental health psychische Gesundheit to reduce stress Stress abbauen 24 to focus on sth. sich auf etw. konzentrieren to be sleep-deprived an Schlafentzug leiden 27 freshly prepared food frisch zubereitetes Essen savoury [*seIvEri] pikant taste Geschmack local My son goes to the local school. örtlich, einheimisch; Orts-… Unit 05 to reach out to sb. The city is reaching out to young people and asking for their ideas. mit jmdm. in Kontakt treten, sich an jmdn. wenden body language Körpersprache 1 to stare at sb./sth. jmdn./etw. anstarren to isolate [*aIsEleIt] sb./sth. jmdn./etw. isolieren/ abschotten antisocial [+xnti*sEUSEl] unsozial, ungesellig 2 to come up with sth. Did you come up with this alone or did someone help you? sich etw. einfallen lassen 3 blessing Segen curse [k3"s] Fluch joyful She was so happy to see her son joyful again. fröhlich, froh thankful dankbar speechless sprachlos stressed (out) I’m usually pretty stressed out before a test. gestresst 4 abbreviation [E+bri"vi*eISEn] Abkürzung, Kürzel efficient (opp. inefficient) effizient, wirksam to replace sth. I need to replace my old phone with a new one. etw. ersetzen 7 subheading Zwischenüberschrift unpleasant [0n*plezEnt] unangenehm obvious [*ObviEs] Look at them! It’s so obvious that they like each other. offensichtlich in person To book the course, you must come in person. persönlich consequently Consequently, texting can make communication easier. daher, folglich to increase (sth.) (opp. to decrease sth.) etw. erhöhen, sich erhöhen frequency [*fri"kwEnsi] Häufigkeit, Frequenz witty geistreich, witzig superficial [+su"pE*fISEl] oberflächlich to be likely That’s not very likely to happen. wahrscheinlich sein meaningful (opp. meaningless) bedeutungsvoll, aussagekräftig shortcut Abkürzung, einfacher Weg to enable [I*neIbEl] sb. to do sth. Languages enable us to communicate with each other. jmdm. etw. ermöglichen unlike Unlike my dad, my mum really enjoys being on social media. im Gegensatz zu, anders als decrease (opp. increase) Abnahme, Verringerung circumstance [*s3"kEmstA"ns] Under these circumstances, I think I can understand. Lage, Umstand vacation (AE) Urlaub, Ferien immediate [I*mi"diEt] augenblicklich, sofortig response I can’t give you an immediate response; I need more time. Antwort to separate [*sepEreIt] sth. etw. trennen/teilen long-term Regular exercise has long-term benefits for your health. langfristig; Langzeit-… to simplify sth. etw. vereinfachen properly Why is my phone still not working properly? richtig, ordentlich to lead [li"d] to sth. This leads me to my next idea. zu etw. führen 8 to be critical of sth. etw. kritisch gegenüberstehen occasionally gelegentlich 11 to put sth. down etw. weglegen/niederlegen to shut sth. down etw. ausschalten/abstellen to come down A lot of snow came down last night. landen; fallen to break down I can’t believe the washing machine broke down again! zusammenbrechen; eine Panne haben Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv