way2go! 5, Schulbuch

181 a wide range of The new café has a wide range of cakes. eine große Auswahl von, ein breites Spektrum an robotics [rEU*bOtIks] Robotertechnik 13 foreground/background There’s a big house in the background. Vordergrund/Hintergrund upper/lower/left/right corner There’s a tree in the upper left corner of the picture. obere/untere/linke/rechte Ecke to appear [E*pIE] He appears to have lost something. aussehen, scheinen focused konzentriert cheerful fröhlich, heiter pleased The teacher’s really pleased with your work. zufrieden, erfreut 15 to sponsor sb./sth. jmdn./etw. sponsern to make use of sth. Our house has a big garden, but we never make use of it. von etw. Gebrauch machen panel discussion Podiumsdiskussion representative [+reprI*zentEtIv] Vertreter/in to suggest [sE*dZest] sth. She suggested going to the Italian restaurant for her birthday. etw. vorschlagen benefit A healthy lifestyle has many benefits. Nutzen, Vorteil athletics [xT*letIks] Leichtathletik STEM: (abbr. for) science, technology, engineering, mathematics MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik) to be in favour [*feIvE] of sth. What about tonight? I’d be in favour of going to the cinema. für etw. sein expected erwartet 17 experience Erfahrung, Erlebnis to concentrate on sth. I’m trying to concentrate on my book, but the TV is too loud. sich auf etw. konzentrieren satisfying zufriedenstellend, befriedigend 18 importance Wichtigkeit percentage [pE*sentIdZ] What percentage of people plays video games? Prozentanteil to be allowed to do sth. Children aren’t allowed to drink alcohol. etw. dürfen; es ist einem erlaubt, etw. zu tun entertainment Unterhaltung; Unterhaltungs-… device [dI*vaIs] Gerät in fact She passed the exam. In fact, she got an A on it. sogar, genau genommen, tatsächlich to examine sth. etw. untersuchen among Texting is very popular among young people. unter on average [*xvErIdZ] On average, teenagers spend five hours a day on the internet. im Durchschnitt at least I waited at least an hour. mindestens source This is my favourite source of entertainment. Quelle to inspire sb. She inspired lots of young people to become athletes. jmdn. inspirieren increasingly The internet is increasingly important in our lives. zunehmend significant [sIg*nIfIkEnt] wichtig, signifikant to run an errand [*erEnd] I’ll be a little late; I have to run a few errands first. eine Besorgung machen, etw. erledigen figure [*fIgE] This year’s figures look good. Zahl, Betrag, Wert 20 to socialise [*sEUSElaIz] (with sb.) After-school clubs are a great way to meet people and socialise. mit jmdm. Kontakt knüpfen/ pflegen 22 to improve sth. etw. verbessern exhibition [+eksI*bISEn] Ausstellung Unit 03 1 to sort sth. Please sort the letters into two piles. etw. sortieren/einordnen 2 caption [*kxpSEn] Bildtext, Bildunterschrift to make fun of sb./sth. sich über jmdn./etw. lustig machen point What’s the point of that? Pointe, Sinn I don’t get it. Ich versteh’s/kapier’s nicht. 3 to have a bigger say about sth. bei etw. ein größeres Mitspracherecht haben outdated überholt, veraltet primary school (BE) Volksschule essential essenziell, wesentlich 5 strict streng understanding My dad tried very hard to be understanding. verständnisvoll punctual [*p0NktSuEl] pünktlich to argue sth. Lizzie argued her point very logically. etw. begründen besides Besides, this way you can also save some money. außerdem, überdies for instance The food, for instance, wasn’t bad at all. zum Beispiel whether [*weDE] I wasn’t sure whether he’d like it. ob to go along with sb./sth. I can’t go along with that. jmdm./etw. zustimmen, mit etw. einhergehen 7 link Verbindung mostly There are mostly boys in our class. hauptsächlich, meistens to consist of sth. My favourite snack consists of rice and vegetables. aus etw. bestehen therefore Therefore, always ask questions. deshalb, deswegen to require sb. to do sth. (fml.) The school requires you to wear a white shirt. etw. von jmdm. verlangen no matter how/who/what/… Everybody wears the same, no matter where they come from. egal, wie/wer/was … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv