way2go! 5, Schulbuch

174 WRITING COACH You are usually asked to write a report by someone who has to make a decision about something (for instance, a teacher). To be able to make a decision, this person needs information that is based on facts or research (like a survey or a chart). The information you provide in the report must be clear and easy to understand. Therefore, it should include a subject line, an introduction, sections (paragraphs) with headings and a recommendation (if required). Always read the prompt carefully: Reports in a nutshell Start with: From: … (your name) Subject: … (what it is about) Date: … Write an introduction to let the reader know what to expect in the report. Divide the report into sections (paragraphs) with headings which tell the reader what each section is about. Report Who is interested in the report? For what reason? What kind of information do you have to give in the report? What does the chart (the results of your research) tell you so that you are able to give the information the reader needs to have? Sample task Your English teacher wants to do an English drama project with your class ending in a performance. She/He needs to know what your classmates think about it and how everyone can get involved in the project. Therefore she/he has asked you to do a survey among them and to write a report. In your report you should: What class 5b thinks about the English drama project fantastic idea pretty good idea terrible idea 40% 25% 35% describe the results of your survey explain why some students might think the drama project is a terrible idea suggest how every student could be involved in the project Divide your report into sections and give them headings. Write around 200 words. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv