way2go! 5, Schulbuch

17 You are going to listen to four teenagers talking about social media. Before you listen, think about the questions in 19b. What might the teenagers say? Share your ideas with a partner. Now listen to the statements and take notes. 1 What do they use social media for? 2 What do they like about social media? 3 What do they dislike about social media? Listen again and write the names next to the questions: Abena, Zahid, Susan or Riccardo. Who … 1 is managing a large number of accounts? 2 doesn’t think online friends are real friends? 3 communicates with the same people in person and on social media? 4 shares an interest with many of their online contacts? 5 has ended a friendship because of bad social media behaviour? 6 mainly wants to have fun on social media? 7 can’t imagine maintaining a friendship without social media? LISTENING 19a 02 Friends on social media b c Who feels that their own social media use is a little strange? Why? Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions and write down your ideas. Not sure how to talk about the questions? Use the öbv QuickMedia app to scan the page and get a Task hack! d SPEAKING 20 Which social media do you or your friends use? Are online friends ‘real’ friends? Why?/Why not? Why do many people your age use social media? Why might somebody deactivate their social media account? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv