way2go! 5, Schulbuch

163 Read the text about the history of artificial intelligence (AI). Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–8). Put a cross ( ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 2 !! LANGUAGE I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on a familiar topic. AI – from chess champions to learning chatbots and more If you think that AI is something new, then think again! You might be (0) to learn that the expression ‘artificial intelligence’ was first used back in 1956 by American computer scientist John McCarthy. And even before that, in the early 1950s, mathematician Alan Turing had pointed out that humans use available information and their thinking skills to solve problems, so why shouldn’t machines do the (1) thing? Turing’s ideas would go on to shape the future of AI. In 1966, the first chatbot ELIZA was made, but at that time it was called a ‘chatterbot’. ELIZA was created to test communication (2) machines and humans. AI development slowed down a little after the 1970s, but by the 1990s it had picked up again. In 1997 the supercomputer ‘Deep Blue’ was programmed to (3) the world chess champion – and won! The event made headlines around the world and helped a wide audience (4) understand how powerful computers can be. Over the years, we’ve (5) speech recognition, intelligent assistants, smart homes, driverless cars, and, of course, chatbots that can learn and have human-like conversations. In education, AI can translate for you, help you write a good text or computer code, check for plagiarism and (6) your tests. But remember, these tools can collect personal information, so make sure you’re comfortable with what data you share. You should also think critically (7) the information you receive from AI tools since sometimes they make mistakes, have biases or even invent things. By using AI tools responsibly, you can make sure that they’re supporting you in the best way possible. So, what can we (8) in the future? Will the human touch still be needed in education or could your teacher one day be replaced by AI? 0 A ready B surprised C up D out 1 A similar B best C same D human 2 A between B before C speaking D into 3 A rule B beat C lose D win 4 A more B better C right D clever 5 A heard B watched C seen D liked 6 A mark B cheat C know D mean 7 A about B on C to D in 8 A have B like C make D expect Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv