way2go! 5, Schulbuch

161 Revision: Giving advice/Conditionals Before Hannah travels to the US to meet up with Adam, her mother gives her a lot of advice. Match the correct sentence halves. LANGUAGE 15 1 Always turn 2 Never leave 3 Make sure that you always take 4 Look 5 Remember to order 6 Don’t forget a your passport with you. b french fries and not chips. c the zip of your bag towards your body. d to drink enough water on hot days. e left first when you cross the road. f your luggage unattended. Circle the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 If you want / wanted / had wanted to get to know a foreign culture, you should go on a student exchange programme. 2 You will not be / would not be / would not have been cold all the time if you had packed warmer clothes. 3 If the holidays are / were / had been longer, I would have loved to stay in London for another week. 4 My trip to India is / will be / would have been fine if I hadn’t quarrelled with my friends on the very first day. 5 If you do not want / did not want / had not wanted to pay extra for luggage, you need to travel with hand luggage only. 6 You will improve / would improve / would have improved your language skills if you went to England instead of Italy. 7 If you are / were / had been able to travel through time, which period would you choose? 8 Hannah will have to / would have to / would have had to study chemistry if she wants to found a cosmetics company. 9 If Greg becomes / became / would become a fitness trainer, he would be able to work and travel the world. 10 Working at a pet shop is / will be / would be a good idea if Lizzie wants to become a vet. 11 If Lizzie gets / got / had got bitten by a hamster, the bite will fortunately be very small. 12 Marc has to / would have had to / would have to get good grades at school if he wants to study medicine. 17 What is most memorable in this unit is … Thinking about the future is … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 12 (online code 73k2kg). Do these conditional sentences refer to a real, imaginary or (imaginary) past situation? 1 If I had a time machine, I’d go back to ancient Rome. 2 I wouldn’t have read the book if I hadn’t liked the movie so much. 3 If you want to go to the cinema, I’ll be happy to come along. 4 I’d love to go on holiday to the US if I had the money. 5 Unless you put in more work, you’ll really struggle next year. 6 If the whales hadn’t gone extinct, Captain Kirk wouldn’t have had to go back in time. 16 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv