way2go! 5, Schulbuch

16 UniT 01 | Old friends and new friends Read the introductory email from Hannah at Whitehall school. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–O) for each gap (1–12). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 16 M Strategies box Language in use – Banked gap fill (BGF) This kind of task is very similar to the reading task you’ve already done on p. 13, so you can use many of the same strategies. You need to match single words or short phrases, so this tests your grammar and vocabulary skills more than your reading skills. While reading, think of a word that could fit, then check the words below. Which one comes closest to your idea? 0123456789101112 M A anxious D cousins G find J knowing M starting B brother E employees H grab K siblings N style C connect F fantasy I hang L similar O worry Hi there, I’m Hannah. I’m new at Whitehall and I’m just (0) to make new friends here. I was a bit (1) at the beginning, but there was no need to (2) . Everyone’s been really friendly. I think doing a project with schools from other countries is exciting. It’s a great way to (3) with different people and get to know about schools abroad. Anyway, let me tell you about myself. I’m 14, I’m rather short, and so is my hair. I got it cut last week and I love the new (4) . I tried to upload a picture of myself, but the computer wouldn’t let me do it, so I’ll do it next time. I like music, dancing and reading (5) stories. I’m an only child, but I have (6) all over the world. My favourite cousin, Adam, lives in the US. We text each other quite often, and sometimes we have a video chat. I only met him for the first time last year when we visited my relatives in California. He and I even look quite (7) ! My parents both work at Lambert’s Hospital. My dad is a nurse and my mum works in IT support, where she keeps the computers running and helps other (8) to use them. As I don’t have any (9) , my friends are really important to me. My best friend in my former home is Abigail. Her family is from Jamaica. We both enjoy the same music and we both took dancing lessons. I really miss her, but I’ve already found some people here in Cambridge with whom I can have fun, (10) out and go window-shopping. Sometimes we (11) something to eat at one of the cafés. Please, tell me about yourself. I’d love to (12) out more about you guys in Austria. Take care, Hannah Hannah Shelby <hannah.shelby@whcambridge.uk> ... Our project From: To: Subject: Reply to Hannah’s email. Write about yourself, your family and your friends. Not sure how to write an Informal email? Go to the Writing coach, pp. 171/172. Introduce yourself to the British students. Make an audio or video recording and send it to your teacher. WRITING 17 SPEAKING 18 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv