way2go! 5, Schulbuch

159 Time travel is a popular theme in many sci-fi films and series. Read the descriptions below and match them to the posters. There is one extra description that you will not need. READING 11 a In a dark 2023, mutants and the humans who help them face extinction by powerful robots. The few surviving mutants send one of their own back to 1973 in a desperate effort to change history and prevent their doom. 1 It is the 23rd century. Captain Kirk and his crew are on a mission to save the Earth from being destroyed. They travel back in time to San Francisco in 1986 and are surprised at what awaits them there. Their only chance to save humankind is to communicate with two humpback whales … 2 It’s the year 2029. A human-like robot is sent into the past to kill a waitress whose unborn son will lead humankind in a war against the robots. At the same time, a soldier from that war is sent into the past to protect her … 3 A 15-year-old American teenager gets into a racing car that functions as a time machine. He accidentally lands in the time when his parents are about to fall in love with each other … 4 A married couple face problems in their relationship as the husband keeps involuntarily travelling through time. Can their relationship survive knowing what the future will be like? 5 Natural catastrophes make living on Earth impossible. There is only one way to make sure humankind will survive: NASA pilot Cooper will have to travel through time and space in search of a new planet that is similar to Earth. But he has to leave his family behind … 6 A B C D E Do you know the title of the film/series for which there’s no poster? Go online and watch the trailers for any titles you don’t know. Do the trailers change the opinion you had after reading the descriptions? Guess what else might happen in these films and series. Talk in pairs. Paired activity: You and your partner are discussing which of these films/series to stream. Discuss which of them you might both want to see. Decide on two. b c SPEAKING 12 13 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv