way2go! 5, Schulbuch

157 Practise an individual long turn with a partner. Roll the dice to decide who does which of the tasks below. Prepare for about 5 minutes, then talk for 3. Give your partner feedback (see p. 77). Task A TOPIC: Future plans Give a 3-minute talk about your future plans. SPEAKING 7 In your talk you should: compare the pictures explain where you see yourself next year describe your dreams for a happy future Task B TOPIC: Future plans Give a 3-minute talk about your future plans. In your talk you should: compare the pictures explain which of the activities you would rather do give examples of other activities you could do during the summer holidays Your friend Otis from Whitehall wants to know what plans you have for the near future. You have decided to send him an email. In your email to Otis you should: present your holiday plans describe the plans for your personal future give reasons for the plans you have for your personal future Write around 200 words. See Writing coach, Informal email, pp. 171/172. WRITING 8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv