way2go! 5, Schulbuch

155 Your future What do you need to explore the “mighty, glorious, dazzling sea” of the future? Most of us want to be happy, so if you think about what you want to do in the future, you first need to find out what makes you happy. Look at the pictures below. Which of these four people do you think looks the happiest? LISTENING 2a 29 Liam Wilson 17 years old student No. 2096-258-63214 Liam Wilson Sharon Evans 20 years old hairdresser No. 1862-897-00213 Sharon Evans Khadim Davis 40 years old reporter No. 1742-007-25394 Khadim Davis Doris Holmes 65 years old retired scientist No. 8402-114-59412 Doris Holmes What makes you happy, what’s good for you? Answer the questions yourself, and then ask three other people in your class the same questions. Compare your answers with each other in small groups. Paired activity: In your English class you are talking about what makes young people happy. With a partner, discuss the ideas below and agree on two or three. You should talk for 6 minutes. good grades at school good friends enough money independence plenty of leisure time SPEAKING 3 4 Questions you might want to consider: What’s important to you but also to other young people? Think about your classmates and friends. And don’t just think about what makes you happy now, but also consider what will be important in the years to come. These four people were asked to define happiness in a single word. What do you think they said? Choose from the box. money family freedom independence love youth Now listen to what they said and take notes. What makes them happy, and how do they define happiness in a single word? b c Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv