way2go! 5, Schulbuch

153 Revision: Tenses Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. If there are any adverbs, put them in the correct place in the sentence. LANGUAGE 14 A job I would really like to try is … Three personal qualities that describe me are … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 11 (online code 73k2kg). Working at a pet shop I (1) (look forward to, really) my internship at Pets Corner as I (2) (always, love) animals. My primary duty (3) (be) re-stocking the shelves. I also think that I (4) (be allowed to) decorate the shop window, and the manager (5) (firmly, promise) that, after a while, I (6) (be able to) look after the animals as well. Once I get that far, I (7) (unfortunately, have to) get up earlier because feeding the animals and cleaning their cages (8) (have to) be done before the shop (9) (open). But it also means that I (10) (always, finish) earlier. I (11) (also, need to) make sure that nobody (12) (try) to pet the animals – or steal them. I (13) (not give, definitely) the customers a lot of advice, that’s what the other employees (14) (be) there for. The pet shop (15) (respect, highly) for its high standards of cleanliness and animal health, so I hope that I (16) (learn) a lot. Working as a camp helper Last summer, my dream (1) (come, finally) true: I (2) (get) a job at a summer camp. I (3) (not done) anything like that before, so I (4) (be) really lucky. I (5) (supervise) eight girls who (6) (be, definitely) a handful sometimes, but that’s what kids (7) (be, generally) like. I mainly (8) (oversee) games, which (9) (be) easy because kids (10) (love) playing games. The worst part of the job (11) (be) that the girls (12) (wake me up, usually) when they (13) (need) the bathroom in the middle of the night because they (14) (be) afraid of the dark. Living with kids all the time (15) (really, be) demanding, but it’s a lot of fun too. So, if you (16) (maybe, think) of working at a summer camp – apply. You (17) (find) that you (18) (have) a lot of fun, and you (19) (grow) as a person. I (20) (make) friends for life, and I (21) (apply, definitely) again. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv