way2go! 5, Schulbuch

15 One way to make a lot of new friends is through a school exchange. Imagine: Whitehall Secondary School in Cambridge, UK, is the partner school of your school. Your class is going to take part in an exchange project with Whitehall. The project group from Whitehall has asked you to send them pictures of your class. Work with a partner. What picture would you send them? These ideas might help you: SPEAKING 13 Friends abroad Who should be in the picture? Where should the picture be taken? What should be in the background of the picture? Share your ideas in class. In pairs, take turns defining and guessing the words. Example: Student A: This word means ‘brother or sister’. Student B: That’s ‘sibling’. b Some of the British students have sent you voice messages to introduce themselves. First study the sentences below and the example. Then listen to Jedrek, Lizzie and Marc and complete the sentences with the right person. LISTENING 14a 01 Listen again and write down as many things about each student as you can in your notebook. Compare your notes in pairs. Relationships The following nouns express how people can be related or ‘connected’ in other ways. Look up the meaning of any words you don’t know. b LANGUAGE 15 a a acquaintance b cousin c couple d enemy e groom f mate g nephew h niece i partner j relative k sibling l stepdad m stranger n twin o pal 1 Jedrek’s brother is learning a trade. 2 wants to get a creative job in IT. 3 is finishing school this year. 4 doesn’t use his given name. 5 has got a younger stepsister. 6 learns a lot from watching videos online. 7 works in medicine. 8 spends a lot of time doing sports. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv