way2go! 5, Schulbuch

145 Topic vocabulary: Living spaces and domestic environments Use the word map below as a starting point for your own topic vocabulary word map. Compare it with your teacher’s map when you’re done. LANGUAGE 19 location features types of houses describing rooms kinds of rooms home Grammar revision: Units 01– 03 Modal verbs. Match the sentences. 20 1 I’m really starving. 2 I’ve broken my glasses again. 3 The train leaves in 5 minutes. 4 Can I help you? 5 I really have trouble falling asleep. 6 Why don’t I just copy your homework? 7 Can you help me carry the desk upstairs? a What a nuisance. You ought to be more careful. b You really must not. It’s unfair to other students. c No need. You really don’t have to. d I can see that. You should eat something. e Sorry, but it’s too heavy. I wouldn’t be able to. f I know, you shouldn’t be online until midnight. g Come on, we must hurry. Present simple or continuous? Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My older brother (play) basketball once a week. 2 you (work) on a regular basis? 3 Be quiet, please. I (listen) to some music right now. 4 We (see) our grandparents at least every other weekend. 5 I simply (not know) everything about it. 6 Look over there. They (talk) about us. Obviously. 7 This is a fun party. I (really have) a great time. 21 If I could choose where to live, I’d … An individual long turn is easy when … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 10 (online code 73k2kg). Comparisons. Fill in the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 Playing football is (exciting) than watching a game. 2 Some streets are (narrow) than others. 3 Venice is supposed to be (beautiful) town in Italy. 4 For some people, gardening is as (boring) as doing housework. 5 Spanish and Portuguese are (similar) to each other than Spanish and Italian. 6 Many people feel that working outdoors is (bad) than working indoors. 22 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv