way2go! 5, Schulbuch

144 Unit 10 | This is home Practise an individual long turn with a partner. 1 Roll the dice to find out who does task A and who does task B. 2 Take 5 minutes to prepare your talk. 3 Make notes, draw mind maps, but don’t write complete sentences. 4 Take turns talking for about 3 minutes. 5 Give each other feedback (see p. 77 for help). Task A TOPIC: Teenagers’ rooms Give a 3-minute talk on what’s important for teenagers in their rooms. SPEAKING 18 In your talk you should: compare the pictures describe your own room explain what teenagers really need in their room Strategies box Remember: Don’t just describe the pictures, but compare them. Say how they are similar (Both pictures show …) and how they are different (While the picture on the left shows …, the picture on the right …). Task B TOPIC: Living in the city/country Give a 3-minute talk on what’s good or bad about living in a city or in the country. In your talk you should: compare the pictures say if you prefer living in the city or in the country describe the area you live in Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv