way2go! 5, Schulbuch

14 UniT 01 | Old friends and new friends Answer these questions with a partner, then share your ideas in class. 1 What was Jimmy’s life like without a friend? 2 How does his description change after he’s met his friend Duncan? Without a friend: like prison, … With a friend: breezy, sunny, … Work with a partner. Choose one of the topics below and talk about it for about two minutes. Take turns. how I became best friends with … a time my friend was there for me the best thing I’ve ever done with a friend a book/film/series about friendship READING 11 Lerwick Harbour Strategies box Make your story interesting by adding a range of details. Think about: where? what? when? why? SPEAKING 12 By the way: Fair Isle – a British island Jimmy from the story grew up on the remote2 island of Fair Isle. Fair Isle is one of the smallest islands of the UK. In fact, only about 70 people live there. It is just 5 km long and 3 km wide, and it is surrounded by3 impressive cliffs. The most spectacular cliff is Sheep Rock, rising 134 metres straight from sea level. There are no pubs and restaurants on the island except at the bird watching station, as Fair Isle is an important resting point for migrating birds4. There is only one shop and one primary school, which sometimes has only five pupils. There is also a fire station run by volunteers5 and a small coast guard rescue team6. The island is famous for its knitting patterns7 and for bird watching. Although Fair Isle is so small and so remote, people have lived there since the Stone Age. There are traces of oval houses that were built more than 3,000 years ago, and stone walls from the same period can still be seen. One of Jimmy’s problems in the story is that he can’t go home over the weekends. So how does one actually get to Fair Isle? You have to get to Shetland first. There is an overnight ferry to Lerwick, the ‘capital’ of Shetland, which takes about 12 hours from mainland Scotland. Halfway through the journey, you can see the rocks of Fair Isle slowly appearing in the setting sun. From the Shetland mainland, Fair Isle can be reached by either the island mailboat, Good Shepherd IV, or by the eight-seater ‘Islander’ aircraft. The journey to Fair Isle takes about two and a half hours and can only be done if the weather is calm enough. A safe summer harbour was created in the last century, at North Haven, and even today the mailboat has to be pulled out of the water, away from the reach of the winter storms. Make a list of some good and some bad things about living on a small island and discuss it with a partner. Curious about the Shetland Islands? Take a Deep dive! Use the öbv QuickMedia app to scan this page, watch the video and do the task. 2 remote: abgelegen, fern 3 surrounded by: umgeben von 4 migrating bird: Zugvogel 5 volunteer: Freiwillige/r 6 coast guard rescue team: Rettungsmannschaft der Küstenwache 7 knitting pattern: Strickmuster Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv