way2go! 5, Schulbuch

139 Types of houses Most people in Britain live in houses rather than rented or privately-owned ats. Below you can find the most popular kinds of houses. Match the house types with the pictures. There is one picture you do not need. Do you know what this kind of house is called? LANGUAGE 8 Houses and homes 1 cottage: a small house, usually fairly old, and often in the country 2 detached house: a house that stands alone and is not connected to another house 3 semi-detached house: one of a pair of houses joined together 4 town house or terraced house: a house in a row of houses joined to each other 5 block of ats: a large building divided into separate parts 6 housing estate: a group of houses built by one company, which normally look very similar A B D G F E C Write a PEEL paragraph about a type of house you would or would not like to live in. See PEEL, p. 37. WRITING 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv