way2go! 5, Schulbuch

131 Revision: The future Complete the three texts with a suitable future form of the verbs in brackets. Use the information on p. 167 in Grammar revisited to help you. LANGUAGE 30 Writing blog posts is … The funniest holiday story was … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 09 (online code 73k2kg). Finally, the city council (1) (install) a bike rental system. They believe there (2) (be) fewer traffic jams and less air pollution if more people choose to cycle. They hope that tourists (3) (use) the new system too, and that it (4) (make) the city more attractive for them. Docking stations (5) (be) placed close to all major attractions. The system (6) (start) operating on 6 July. Overall, they (7) (spend) two million pounds, but part of the money (8) (come) from the government. Since travelling has become so much more expensive, I (9) (stay) at home this summer. School (10) (end) in July, and right after that, I (11) (go) on a three-day hike with a friend. We (12) (stay) in mountain huts, or maybe we (13) (borrow) a tent. Let’s hope that the weather (14) (be) fine. After that, I (15) (visit) my grandparents for a couple of days. I (16) (take) my bicycle with me; maybe Grandpa (17) (go) on some rides with me. My parents have finally agreed to let me visit my cousin Adam in the States, and I’ve just booked my ticket. Here are my plans: The plane (18) (leave) on the 21st for Washington, D. C., and Adam (19) (meet) me at the airport. Then, we (20) (spend) some time sightseeing. I (21) (see) the Washington Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial, and maybe we (22) (visit) one of the museums there. But mainly, we (23) (hang out) and catch up with each other. Then, Adam’s sister (24) (join) us, and we (25) (drive) right across the USA to Wyoming and spend some time with the family. I (26) (fly) back from Jackson on the 10th. My parents said they would pay for the trip, but I think I (27) (try) to get a part-time job to have some spending money. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv