way2go! 5, Schulbuch

130 Unit 09 | Out and about Topic vocabulary: Transport and tourism Complete the word map with the right words from this unit. Then make a similar word map for ‘going by bus’. LANGUAGE 28 security check take-off check-in desk flight (1) c or delayed? ticket (5) m ticket (6) b (7) p (8) c to (2) b the plane (3) d area (4) g duty-free shops to reserve a seat to get on/off the train at the airport at the train station means of transport Complete the word map about holidays with the expressions on the right. 29 camp counsellor/guide to go by plane to take a guided tour to take a city trip to go on a beach holiday to travel on a cruise ship to cook dinner outdoors/out in nature close to a lake (1) (5) (6) (7) to stay at a campsite (2) to take part in activities with a (4) (3) over a campfire to go on excursions on foot to go by public transport to do some sightseeing to see famous sights to sleep under the stars to stay at hostels to stay at a hotel to sunbathe on the beach to stay at a resort to go backpacking to go on a cruise to go to a youth camp/ to go camping to go on a hiking tour (9) (8) kinds of holidays Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv