way2go! 5, Schulbuch

124 Unit 09 | Out and about Have you ever been to Denmark? Travel guides can give you the information you need for a trip to an unfamiliar place. Skim the text below for 30 seconds. What ways are there to explore the city? Which would you prefer? Read the description of how to get around the capital of Denmark. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–L) for each gap (1–9). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 16 a b Getting around in Copenhagen You can see the sights of Copenhagen (0) bike, but there are other great ways to travel. The public transport system in Copenhagen is one of the (1) in the world – you won’t often find a journey cancelled or delayed. Public transport will get you anywhere you wish to go in the capital, and it is still being developed and improved. For a different view of the (2) , you can take to the sea and travel by waterbus. The yellow harbour (3) are a great means of transportation and are a cheap alternative to the official canal tours. What’s more, they run on electricity. Did you know that you can go underground in Copenhagen? There is a metro system with driverless trains which run (4) throughout the day, sometimes as often as every three minutes. The metro is a quick and simple way to get to the city from Copenhagen Airport, with a journey time of about 15 minutes. If you’re taking a longer (5) , take the train to get easily from A to B. The Central Station is the largest train station in Denmark – and the centre for all train traffic in the country. It is located in the heart of the city, and you can take local S-trains as well as trains to other parts of the country. If you buy a City Pass, you can (6) as much as you like on the metro, bus, harbour bus and train in central Copenhagen, and to and from the airport. The card comes in two versions: 24 or 72 hours. So whether you’re taking a one-way journey or a (7) trip, you only need one ticket. You could always go around the city (8) foot if you need some exercise. If you can’t work out which way to go, you could join (9) with one of the free guided walking tours with local people. Tickets are free – at the end of the tour you just decide how much you think it was worth and give the guide some money! 0123456789 C A best D city G of J regularly B buses E in H on K return C by F journey I rarely L travel Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv