way2go! 5, Schulbuch

120 Unit 09 | Out and about Talking about the future There are different ways to talk about the future in English. Match the sentences to the explanations. LANGUAGE 6 a Present simple You can use the present simple to talk about fixed events in the future. There is usually a time expression as well. We should go now, our train leaves at eight. Present continuous You can use the present continuous to talk about arranged activities in the future. There is usually a time expression as well. will You can use will to talk about predictions, expectations or spontaneous decisions. You’re not sure if it will really happen. be going to You can use be going to when talking about intentions and plans or interpreting signs. You’re confident it will really happen. For more information on Talking about the future, see Grammar revisited, p. 167. 1 We should go now, our train leaves at eight. 2 I’m going to spend the evenings at the campfire. 3 I just hope I won’t get seasick! 4 I’m leaving for Australia next week. 5 So this year I’m going to do it again. 6 I’m taking the train to the coast all by myself. 7 I’m sure we will be able to avoid the crowds. 8 The bus gets there at ten, that’s early enough. Write sentences about the situations below. Try to use the different future forms. a You want to travel to Spain. The plane leaves at six. I think it will be … My sister’s taking me to the airport. In Barcelona I’m going to … b You want to go on a hiking tour. c You want to take a city trip. d Your next holiday. Otis from Cambridge and his family are planning to spend their summer holidays in the area where you live. They have asked you for some information. You have decided to send them an email. In your email you should: describe the area or town where you live give some information about what they can do there recommend your favourite place or sight Write around 200 words. 7 WRITING 8 What ways to talk about the future are there in German or other languages you know? b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv