way2go! 5, Schulbuch

117 Revision: Conditionals Match the pairs of sentences that go together best. Pay close attention to the tenses used in the conditional sentences. Write down how you decided which sentences go together. 1 If the students keep the rules, they won’t have any problems with the headteacher. 2 If the students kept the rules, they wouldn’t have any problems with the headteacher. 3 If the students had kept the rules, they wouldn’t have had any problems with the headteacher. a So they were sent home and the headteacher called their parents – who weren’t happy! b However, the uniform policy is strict, and many students are regularly sent home by her. c She’s a very friendly person and enjoys talking to students about their future. Complete the conditional sentences with the verbs in the correct form. Make sure they work with the sentence that comes before or after. 1 Experts say students (cheat) less if it (be) more difficult to do so. However, modern technology makes it very easy for them. 2 It is against the law to chew gum in Singapore. If you (be) caught, you (must) pay a large fine. 3 Hannah was annoyed with the teachers. If she (not grow) so much, her skirt (be) the right length. 4 When you (listen) to the radio in Canada, you (hear) lots of Canadian songs. It’s required by law. 5 It’s important to cite your sources in academic papers. It (be) plagiarism if you (copy) other people’s work without giving them credit. 6 There are some wild stories behind the strange laws. For example, if there (not be) such a huge flood, the water (not wash) away the bathtub with the donkey. 7 If Marc (live) in Austria, he (may) drink alcohol. In the UK you must be 18 to buy or drink alcoholic drinks, though. 8 There have always been students looking for the easy way out. If the internet (be) invented fifty years ago, students (use) it to copy texts as well. 9 I wish we had a school uniform at our school. If I (can) just wear a school uniform every day, I (not have to) spend so much time deciding what to wear. LANGUAGE 31 32 If I ruled the world, one law I would make is … The best discussion I had in this unit was about … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 08 (online code 73k2kg). Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv