way2go! 5, Schulbuch

112 UniT 08 | Rules – make or break? Read the blog post about PDA (public displays of affection) at school. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–11). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 18 a 0 embarrassed 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 FrankieMcD PDA at school: Stop the embarrassment! Is it just me, or does anyone else end up red-faced and (0) (embarrass) at public displays of affection at school? I’ve heard that some schools have strict rules about pupils hugging, holding hands or kissing openly, and there might even be a (1) (punish) just for a kiss on the cheek. But it seems to me that my school is much too relaxed about (2) (allow) these kinds of things. I’m not talking about when someone’s having a terrible day and they need a quick hug; that’s perfectly (3) (understand). I’m talking about couples who make out in full view of everyone. That’s just (4) (suit) in a school environment. I often notice other students (and teachers) looking very (5) (comfort) as they walk past a kissing couple in the corridor, or trying to look away so as not to see their wandering hands. If you ask me, something like that is totally (6) (respect) to other people. And there are couples who make out in the middle of the dining room while the rest of us are trying to eat lunch. I mean, seriously, who wants to see that? It’s really (7) (pleasant), guys! Worse still, there are people who can’t even keep their hands off each other in class, and I (8) (honest) can’t believe they don’t realise it’s not OK. Come on, we’re trying to learn, and your behaviour’s a real (9) (distract). Even if you think you’ve got the most (10) (attract) partner in the world, please remember that showing your affection for them is something (11) (person) and not meant for public display. The next time you think about making out with your significant other at school, be aware you may be making someone feel very awkward. I’m sure plenty of people agree with me. Let me know what you think! Some students from Whitehall are planning to visit your school. You are hosting Lizzie, and Rose Nelson, Lizzie’s mother, wants to have some details about your school. You have decided to send her an email. In your email you should: present your school recommend a class Lizzie could attend say what rules are important at your school Write around 200 words. See also Writing coach, Formal email, pp. 171 + 173. WRITING 19 What do you think about PDA at school? Talk in pairs. Strategies box When you present something, you introduce something. Write about what could be special/most important/interesting for your reader. Don’t just say what it is like. What is your school famous for? What does it offer? Are there any parks around it? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv