way2go! 5, Schulbuch

111 ‘Breaking rules’ is a popular topic in many films, series or books. Tell your partner about one that you have watched or read. Then take turns. (If you can’t think of a story, it’s OK to make one up.) You should: say what happens in the story describe your favourite character in the film or book explain why you like the film or book SPEAKING 17 Strategies box Make sure you talk about the events as they happen: First … Then … Later … After this … Finally … In the end … Prefixes Can you remember the suffixes you’ve learned about already? How can a suffix change a word? a success – to be successful to compete – a competition Another way to make new words from old ones is by using prefixes. They are added to the beginning of a word. Look at the examples. How do these prefixes change the meaning of the words they are attached to? 1 Some students feel uncomfortable telling teachers about rule breakers. 2 My mum thought it was a good rule, but Dad disagreed. 3 He can’t do that, it’s impossible. 4 It’s not OK to write informal notes to a teacher. LANGUAGE 15 a b Use the prefixes and suffixes to change the words in brackets and complete the sentences. 16 dis- im- in- -ing -ity -ive -ment (2x) -ness re- un- (3x) -y 1 If you break something, you might need to provide a replacement (place). 2 There can be (agree) about what a law really means. 3 Some people say it’s an (possible) to obey the law all the time. 4 Students might feel they were (luck) if they are caught breaking a rule. 5 Many people consider legal texts (interest) to read. 6 I don’t know why they stole my bike, it was a really (expense) one. 7 Criminals can cause much (happy) for their victims. Paired activity: Your school is updating its rules to improve its image. Your English language assistant wants to know which rules are necessary. Discuss the school rules below with your partner and agree on two or three that should be updated. You should talk for 6 minutes. Rules about: chewing gum during lessons littering in the classrooms wearing unsuitable clothes misusing mobiles hugging and kissing at school 14 Questions you might want to consider: What might offend teachers/other students? What could improve cleanliness at school? What could improve the attractiveness of the school? What damage could be caused by misusing mobiles (e.g. illegal filming)? What could distract students from their studies? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv