way2go! 5, Schulbuch

109 0 In Milan people who refuse to smile may have to . pay a fine 1 If you don’t want to get arrested in the British Houses of Parliament, never appear in . 2 If it snows or freezes on an English street, don’t even think of . 3 At first, the Arizona farmer didn’t mind his donkey . 4 A flood resulted in the donkey and the bathtub . 5 The law for donkeys was made because the locals didn’t enjoy . 6 If you’re in Canada listening to the radio, the performer of every third song . 7 Chewing gum was banned in Singapore as some people’s used gum ended up . Discuss the strange laws from the article with a partner. Agree on the funniest, the second-funniest and the third-funniest one. Give reasons for your decision. Invent some strange rules for students or teachers at your school and share them with the rest of the class. Decide who has come up with the funniest rules. Here are some ideas: SPEAKING 7 a b Groups of students are not permitted to stand around in circles. The law states all teachers and students are obliged to take a lunchtime nap. It is against the law to open the windows in the classrooms. Design a meme that makes fun of a (real or invented) school rule. Choose one of the rules from above or use one of the strange rules you or your friends have come up with and write about a weird dream you had. Start like this: Last night I had a really weird dream. In my dream the teachers/students had to … 1 Which rule did they have to obey? 2 What happened as a consequence? 3 How did your dream end? WRITING 8 9 Expressions to talk about rules and laws The article contains a range of expressions which can be used to talk about what’s allowed/ not allowed in a certain place. Find the expressions below in the article. Copy the entire sentences and start your topic vocabulary collection for this unit. LANGUAGE 6 a to be obliged to … b to pay a fine c to be illegal to … d to be forbidden by law e to be against the law f not to be permitted to … g a law which states that … h to get arrested Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv