way2go! 5, Schulbuch

107 Discuss the results with your partner: 1 Are you surprised by any of the results? Give reasons why/why not. 2 Do you agree with the age limits? What age limits would you recommend for these activities? 3 Should there be legal age limits for the above activities at all? Give reasons why/why not. What happens if you break one of the laws above? c 3 Every country has laws about what young people are (not) allowed to do. Guess the lower age limit for different activities around the world and complete the table. Discuss your ideas with a partner. Go on the internet to find out what the age limits currently are. SPEAKING 2 a Laws around the world b Country Have a full driving licence to drive a car Vote in a national election Drink alcohol, such as beer and wine The age of consent (when you can legally have sex) Guess Answer Guess Answer Guess Answer Guess Answer England Austria USA (N.Y.C.) Japan Conditional clauses Conditional clauses can be used to talk about different kinds of situations. Read the statements below and write a, b or c next to them, depending on the situation. LANGUAGE 4 a a A real situation – it can happen, or often does b An imaginary situation – it’s just in your head (it’s unreal or impossible) c An imaginary situation in the past – it didn’t really happen 1 If children drink alcohol, it can make them very sick. 2 If I could change the age limit on driving, I would set it to fifteen. 3 If I had been old enough to vote, I would have chosen the other candidate. 4 You will get into trouble if you drink alcohol as a teenager in the US. 5 The world would be a better place if children were allowed to vote. Complete the sentences below. 1 It would have been great if … 2 If I could change any of these laws, … 3 If you drink alcohol before driving, … 4 If I lived in Malaysia/the US/ … , … 5 If my parents could decide, … 6 If the legal drinking/driving/ … age was different, … If you need more help with Conditional clauses, go to Grammar revisited, p. 168. b If = wenn, falls You are not sure it will happen. When = sobald You are sure it’s going to happen. Unless = wenn nicht You can use unless instead of if not. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv