way2go! 5, Schulbuch

105 Revision: Adverbs of manner Read the blog post Marc left on the website of his wushu club, in which he writes about a new sports experience. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets in their correct form, either as adjectives or as adverbs. LANGUAGE 27 It’s important to have swagger because … I can disagree politely with someone by … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 07 (online code 73k2kg). WushuMarc Dance meets martial arts Today, I’d like to share with you my latest insights into training (1) purposefully and competing (2) . (successful, purposeful) A lot of you reacted to me saying that I find wushu (3) , and that it brings me (4) joy. (personal, physical, satisfying) I’m aware, though, that I need to do more to become (5) , so I’m going to share one of my most (6) experiences. (good, surprising, technical) A few weeks ago, Coach decided that I (7) needed to strengthen my core and suggested taking (8) ballet as a way to do it. (classical, real) I must confess, I wasn’t (9) , but I thought I could (10) learn as it didn’t look too (11) . (complete, convinced, easy, difficult) Yet, when I signed up for a beginner’s course, I was (12) proven (13) . (quick, wrong) The course took place in a (14) room with a lot of mirrors, which (15) made it (16) for me to try out all these new and (17) movements. (embarrassing, fair, graceful, large, obvious) (18) , I stood out like the (19) duckling among all the smaller kids who swarmed around me (20) . (excited, predictable, ugly) They were very (21) with me, and when I finally managed, after a lot of wobbling, to finish one pirouette (22) , they cheered for me (23) . (patient, successful, wild) Needless to say, I could (24) move the next day, with muscles I hadn’t known existed (25) and hurting. (hard, stiff) Have you tried any new sports that have improved your wushu performance? Let me know in the comments below. reply Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv