way2go! 5, Schulbuch

103 Read this writing task carefully. Who are you writing to? Why are you writing? WRITING 24 a One of the Whitehall students will be staying with your family. Therefore, your PE teacher has asked you to reply to Mr McGregor’s email. In your email you should: say what your family can offer the student give information on the sports activities at your school explain which classes are interesting for students from England Write around 200 words. Read this reply a student has written to Mr McGregor. What information does she give on each of the content points above? b See also Writing coach, Formal email, pp. 171 + 173. Dear Mr McGregor, I am referring to your email from 10th February to Ms Annemarie Beurer, my PE teacher. Ms Beurer has asked me to answer your questions on her behalf because I have been working with her on the list of host families. I will be hosting Lizzie Nelson. As she loves animals, she will certainly not mind our two dogs. We live in a fairly large house near Linz, so Lizzie can have a room to herself. Most students from Whitehall, however, will be sharing a room with their host brother or host sister. As I am sure you know, our school specialises in4 ball sports. So the sports our school offers are basketball, football, volleyball and handball. The latter is quite popular in Austria. Therefore, it is on the curriculum of many Austrian schools. In fact, some Austrian schools have good handball teams that compete with other schools. We would be very pleased if your students joined us in class. We are involved in a project called ‘English Across the Curriculum’, which means that subjects such as history and music are taught in English. Your students are certainly most welcome to attend one of these classes. We look forward to seeing you in Austria soon. Yours sincerely, Aisha Khan Aisha Khan <aisha_kh@email.at> John McGregor <John_McG@hotspot.com> Your email to Ms Beurer From: To: Subject: Several parts of the email are highlighted to show three important features of formal emails. Can you guess what they are? Write down what you should do when writing a formal email in your own words. Underline three formal verb phrases like I am referring to … or three linking words/phrases such as therefore and use them in your own reply to Mr McGregor. How can you be polite and formal in German? How does it compare to English or other languages you know? 25 a b c 4 to specialise in sth.: sich auf etw. spezialisieren, sich besonders intensiv mit etw. beschäftigen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv