way2go! 5, Schulbuch

102 UniT 07 | Move it! Formal language When writing an email to someone you don’t know so well or preparing a report for someone important, the language you use should be different. You need to use formal language, which is seen as more polite. Look at these pairs of expressions. Which of them is more formal? LANGUAGE 22 A sports project – writing a formal email 1 a students b kids 2 a Also b Furthermore 3 a Going to b Attending 4 a it is b it’s 5 a I understand b I’ve heard 6 a Best regards b All the best 7 a Could you b Can you 8 a would like to b want to 9 a make sure you b be so kind as to 10 a In addition b And 11 a Thanks b Thank you 12 a check b inquire Your school is doing a sports project and has invited students from Whitehall to join them. John McGregor, their PE teacher, wants to know the details and has written an email to your PE teacher. Use the formal expressions you’ve chosen above to complete the email. 23 Dear colleague, (1) for your kind invitation to spend a sports week at your school. I think (2) a wonderful idea to get the English and Austrian (3) together to play some sports. I am writing to (4) whether you can give me some more detailed information about the week. (5) our students will be staying with host families. (6) please give me details of the families that have offered to host our students? Will our students have a room to themselves or will they be sharing a room with their host brothers or sisters? (7) , I would like to inquire about the sports project at your school. What kind of sports facilities do you have? Please (8) send me details of the sports being offered so that I can ask my students to choose their activities for the week. (9) , could you let me know whether it is also possible for our students to join you in class? Which classes would you recommend? (10) classes in Austria would be an interesting experience for our students. We really look forward to our visit and (11) invite you to visit us in Cambridge one day. (12) , John McGregor John McGregor <John_McG@hotspot.com> Annemarie Beurer <annemarie.beurer@school.at> School exchange From: To: Subject: Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv