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93 B2+ | 8. Klasse | Unit 08: The next chapter Read the article about research on plastic surgery among men. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–15). Put a cross ( ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 2 Men turn to plastic surgery to be ‘Zoom ready’ British plastic surgeons have reported a 70% rise in requests for video consultations over the course of last year. Demand for cosmetic procedures for men, such as Botox injections, has (0) massively as the pressure to look presentable on video calls has grown. In its latest issue, Esquire magazine reports that the (1) to look ‘Zoom ready’ is a great incentive for men to (2) cosmetic surgery. 11% of men feel as if they look five years older as a (3) of the stress brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, (4) to a survey from September last year. “As people are on Zoom calls a lot, they have studied their facial (5) in detail on the screen and found some (6) that need correction, for example wrinkles and dark eye circles,” says Dr Salinda Johnson, the medical director at the London Cosmetic Clinic. “(7) , cosmetic procedures are really booming right now.” The most popular treatments for men (8) Botox for wrinkles and a procedure called ‘facetite’ which reduces double chins. There is increasing pressure on men to look younger in the (9) too. An investment banker in the City of London, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he gets various anti-ageing treatments for his chin and jawline. The total cost of all these procedures is £1,800. However, he (10) that he gets the treatments because of his job. Rather, he claims that “cosmetic surgery gives me confidence from within”. The experiences of tech workers in Silicon Valley in the US are (11) to the stories of city bankers in the UK. An anonymous computer specialist who regularly gets cosmetic procedures said, “In my job, if you’re older than everyone else, it can hurt you in (12) of what projects you’re invited to work on. In Silicon Valley, it’s (13) believed that if you’re over the age of 35, you’re over the hill.” It is no (14) , then, that so many men feel the need to look younger than 40. An employment lawyer who was interviewed for this article confirms that this attitude exists, but she stresses that cosmetic procedures aren’t the answer. “The issue that really needs to be addressed in the tech industry is age (15) ,” she says. “Botox won’t be able to fix this.” 0 A increased B stabilised C plummeted D reduced 1 A order B need C offer D vision 2 A select B experience C undergo D undertake 3 A consequence B reason C impact D following 4 A implying B regarding C concerning D according 5 A gestures B features C mimic D traits 6 A errors B stains C flaws D spots 7 A Though B However C Additionally D Therefore 8 A mean B include C use D apply 9 A workplace B job C career D profession 10 A rejects B claims C denies D agrees 11 A compared B similar C equal D superior 12 A terms B addition C comparison D contrast 13 A eagerly B crucially C rarely D commonly 14 A secret B problem C wonder D stress 15 A unfairness B discrimination C inequality D harassment Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv